- Number 11: Regina George (Mean Girls)
- Number 10: Niki/Jessica (Heroes)
- Number 9: Irina Derevko (ALIAS)
- Number 8: The LOST girls - Kate and Ana-Lucia (LOST)
- Number 7: Sydney Prescott (Scream Trilogy)
- Number 6: The X-Villains - Phoenix, Deathstryke and Mystique (X-Men Trilogy)
- Number 5: Sarah Connor (T1 & T2)
- Number 4: Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
So without further delays, let's see who made it to number 3:
Number 3: Buffy, Willow and Faith (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer)
Another threesome on this list. I must say, any of these three on their own would probably be placed behind Veronica, but together they're a force to be reckoned with and end up at number 3.
Buffy Summers is the eternal teenager who has been through Hell (literally!). She is The Chosen One, the one girl in the world with the strength and skill to hunt all kinds of evil creatures and save the world (or at least Sunnydale) time and time again. But she doesn't do this alone, she has the precious help of the 'Scooby Gang'. Dies twice - one time her headstone reads "She saved the world. A lot". OK, so maybe she deserves number 3 even on her own.
One of Buffy's best friend is of course the shy and geeky Willow. Yeah, she becomes quite powerful as 'normal Willow' throughout the series, but it isn't until her girlfriend is murdered (she becomes a lesbian at some point, maybe because her ex-boyfriend was quite the animal) that she goes bananas and shows her true power. She becomes Dark Willow and then she's downright evil (which is always fun) and kicks everyone's ass.
Then there's Faith... Faith is probably my favourite of these 3. Maybe it's the leather outfits, or the good girl/bad girl vibe, but I think she's as cool as can be. She's a rogue Slayer, the Buffy-universe equivalent of going over to the Dark Side. Unfortunately for Faith, we all know what happens to those who fall into the Dark Side, don't we Anakin?
Favourite line: Buffy: We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Buffy, and you're history!
Favourite line: Dark Willow: Oh Buffy. You really need every inch of your ass kicked.
Favourite line:
Faith: Three squares, nice weight room, movie every third Sunday, would've been worse. Spike: What movie?
Faith: Last one was Glitter. I guess it couldn't have been worse.
(Me: As you all know Glitter is the 'award-winning' Mariah Carey movie.... Ouch!)
Number 2: Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (Alien Trilogy - lets forget about the 4th one, ok?)

How could there be a list of strong women that didn't include Ripley? The answer is simple, it just couldn't. Ripley is the arguably the mother of all strong female characters and quickly became part of the imaginary of everyone who watched these films. She was great in Alien, but she absolutely RULED in Aliens. I remember watching Aliens, many moons ago and was just stunned at the strength and sheer power that Ripley demonstrated in all her actions.
Need examples? When she drives that car/tank at the beginning of Aliens and saves the day; when she decides to goes back ALONE in a alien infested place to rescue a little girl and last, but most definitely not least, her final confrontation with the Alien Queen. Need I say more? I didn't' think so.
Bit of trivia for you: Sigourney Weaver is one of the very few actress to be nominated for and Oscar and a Golden Globe for an action/horror leading role. Too bad she didn't win, I say!

Favourite line: Ripley: Get away from her, you bitch! (A classic...)
And the Number 1 Kick-Ass Girl is...... (drum rolls)
Number 1: Mariah Carey (Glitter)

Sorry, couldn't resist it ;) Scroll down for the REAL number 1.
Make way for....
Number 1: Sydney Bristow (ALIAS)

Wow, what a surprise!! Jennifer Garner's super spy is brilliant and brutal and my top choice for this countdown. Even when I started deciding who should be on this list, there was never a shadow of doubt in my mind that the Number 1 spot should go to Sydney Bristow.
I know, you’re all thinking “There he goes again, Alias is good, watch Alias, blah blah blah” but I did try to be objective here and just look at the characters and not the shows. Honest! And still Sydney is my number one, she is the complete package. Let’s think about this for a second:
- Looks: Check! She has the looks and she has THE looks! Whether dressed up as a nerdy scientist, sexy maid, crazy clubber or just her normal self, Sydney always looks great. It's amazing how many different outfits and styles shes gets to play with throughout the 5 seasons. The wigs, the cheekbones, the steely glare, simply amazing...
- Angst: Check! Simply unbeatable on this one. Boyfriends die, friends die, friends die by her own hands... Dies and watches her own funeral.... Plus she has THE most dysfunctional family ever! Oh, and having to save the world a few times also adds to the pressure, I'm sure.
- Awesome fighting skills: Check! She's responsible for some of the best action sequences on the show. Add some of the best catfights since Kill Bill and you've got a winner!
- Brains: Check! She has the brains! I mean, being a double-agent is no easy task and getting out of life-threatening situations is no walk in the park either! Plus, she speaks Russian, Italian, German, Spanish, French and even Portuguese. How many others on this list can claim to do that, huh??
- Personality: Check! She is a great friend, she's trustworthy and determined. But fortunately, she's no boring and bland 'goody two-shoes': step on her toes, and she'll fight back! It's also fun to see her so always so strong and sure of herself whenever she's on a mission, and then so insecure and full of issues in her 'real life'.
- X-Factor: Check! As Simon Cowell would say, Sydney has that certain something, call it charisma or whatever, that makes you root for her, feel happy and sad with her. And she's also a Chosen One, take that Buffy!
One of the last Alias episodes was called “There’s only one Sydney Bristow”. And I could not agree more.
Favourite lines:
Sydney Bristow: You and I are friends, Charlie, so you know I have nothing against you, but I swear to God, if you marry Francie without telling her what you've been up to, I will kill you.
Sydney Bristow: You know, some people go miniature golfing with their parents. We go to India and look for nukes.
There are literally hundreds on fan-made videos on Youtube about Alias and Sydney (Sad Sydney, Action Sydney, Hot Sydney, Malibu Beach Sydney...) so it was really difficult the choose one to put here. Anyway I like this one, not my favourite song in the world (All That Jazz from Chicago) but the timing of the action with the song is just brilliant and funny. Watch it, enjoy it and then you'll agree with my choice for the top spot:
Also worth watching (depending on your musical tastes):
This one (awesome song - Paul Oakenfold, Ready Steady Go)
This one (another great song - The Vines, Get Free)
This one (Really cool music - Kasabian, Club Foot)
And finally this one (crap song, great video - Whitney Houstoun, Queen of the night)
And that's it! Agree, disagree? Have your say using the comments :) Putting together this Top 11 thing was good fun, but also quite a bit of work and time consuming. Don't know how VH1 and E! do it all the time, eheh! Anyway, there may be more in the future if I can think of another one.

Put on a smiley face Sydney, you made it to #1 :)
I never watched alias, so i don't know. buffy deservesd less, imo.
What a surprise!!!! Sydney gets #1??? =)
GO SYD!!! GO SYD!!!!
Maybe next Top 11000 Mariah gets #11000!!
No, if you decide to make your own Top 11 of the best female singer, i'm sure Mariah will be there (i´ll be there!!) at #1 and it will be fair!!! ;)
So, It was a thrill having to wait for part 3 ( of 2) and i couldn't agree more with numbers 1 and 2 but the 3th place??? Not a good choice, at least for that position.
But as you said its YOUR Top 11 and you choose who you want!!!!
Nice work!!
Now I know why you like Sydney Bristow! She's such a drag queen!!
And @ anonymous: What are you talking about, Buffy has to be in the top3! She's such a pop icon of my/our generation! Maybe Sydney Prescott deserves less, compared to the Bride or the little psycho girl from Hard Candy.
@anon: well, you should then ;)
@sara: lol, go sydney :) at last someone with good sense and impeccable taste!
@anon and sara: the buffys def deserve #3, how could they not? duh!
@andre: Sydney is no drag queen, she is THE drag queen! lol, i could forget to mention that!
and you agree with buffy. I guess if you and sara ever mated, your lovechild would have exactly the same taste as me! ahah!
oh and andre, while looking for videos on youtube found this one. you might find it funny :)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=dH2FANYluMo ("Alias: Sydney parla italiano!")
If her italian is as good as her portuguese ("Que horas são?") im sure hes gonna find it hilarious!!
i was right on the money for #1 :P
how could you NOT pick sidney Bristow for #1?!? It's To we're talking about here :p
I am just ashamed of how low you placed Nikki ...tsc .tscc
@bornsleepy: ok, it was a bit obvious... but i think i've made a good job at saying why how chose her. Now, if you could only move on to 1x06.... no comments!
And u have a thing for Niki! I'm telling Gabi!! ;)
Oh my god, the video is hilarious! She has the worst accent ever - and everyone else too, even the actors who are supposed to be italians but they are actually immigrants, with heavy english accents!
At some point she says to the old guy: "Ho pezzo che penso che vuole vedere" which means "I've got something you might be interested in" but in reality it sounds more like "I've got a big cock I'm sure you'd like to see"... ridicolous.. oh, and the hot guy at the end sounds Spanish or from Eastern Europe and it's evenm hard to understand what he's saying..
Oh well..
by the way, you totally forgot to mention Bree Hodge (former Bree Van De Camp), she deserved to be on this chart! Come on, she has killer lines, she can fire a gun and she'll kick your ass if you don't use a coaster.
AHAH! It sounded bad, but not that bad? Sydney wanting the show her big cock?? I never would have imagined it! And they also used immigrants to play portuguese people in a scene in lisbon. it was terrible!
Oh, Bree!! you're right, she deserved a place here, how could i forget her?
Tó, I agree, Nikki for me would be in 1st place! She's the best ;)
PS: I saw the 1st Alias episode yesterday! ehehe **
And Buffy in 3rd??? pffff A Maria de Fátima merecia mais o lugar! LOL
@gabi: lol, a maria de fatima nao matava vampitos! e tou a ver q tu e o puto pertencem ao grupo de fas da niki :) no maximo (para ja) ela seria um 7o lugar... desde o inicio q nao fez mais nada! tenho q ver o resto!
A Maria de Fátima não matava vampitos, mas se lhe aparecesse um vampiro à frente dava cabo dele :D tu em inglês não trocas letras! **
Realmente a Bree devia ter um lugar no TOP! e a Nikki devia ser a 1ª, tens de ver o fim da 1ª season do Heroes!
A propósito da pronúncia aparvalhada, e o Jon Travolta a falar português? ahahah
kiss *
gabi: lol, e porque uso a correcao automatica! dou tt erros! e realmente a Bree merecia um lugarzito... maybe next time.
Iss do jon travolta e de um filme em q ele e um anjo, nao e? eu axo q me lembro e era mt mauzinho mesmo! se bem q nao era era como a sydney a aparentemnete queria mostrar a sua pila impressionante a um velhote!! lolol!
Gente! O 1º lugar foi muito bem atribuído!!! Quem melhor do que a nossa Sydney para o ocupar? Tó, tou contigo!
Quanto à Bree, é bem verdade, merecia tar no top 11: ela "assalta" uma casa pa roubar uma receita de tarte de limão!!!
Mas deixa lá este foi o 1º de muitos tops!!! Vais melhorar com o tempo!! Ah, Ah=)
E Gabi, tás no bom caminho (com a Vingadora!)
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