Anyway, it's almost the weekend, the sun is shining (somewhere around the world, just not here...) so let's have a lighter, cheerful post today, shall we? I came across these on the the vastness of the web, and it made me laugh (or at least smile). So, here's hoping you'll smile too! :)

I feel a bit guilty posting this one... but still funny ;)
hahah the last 2 are the best!
Yeah, a backwards 'b'?? lol! and the last one, i laughed, but i also turned red when i saw it... :D
the backward d is awesome!
now can some1 explain to me this last one?!? My blondie gene must be striking hard, i failed to understand what the hell those three stooges are doing
@bornsleepy: blonde moment indeed... 4 letters: YMCA.. add music... get it??
@bornsleepy: oh amor, és mesmo loirinho! se lavasses o cabelo com champô de camomila parecias um anjinho! :) luv U *
Totally blonded out!, just managed to understande the C....
@bornsleepy:: deixa lá, também tive o meu momento de "loureza" com a última!lol
blondes of the world: UNITE!!
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