24 January 2008

Have you smiled today?

Unfortunately, yesterday's posts dealt with the horrible and premature death of a talented actor and also with the complete ignorance, stupidity and irrationality of some 'people' (or, as we all seemed to agree, the "filhos da puta" or "figlio di puttana").

Anyway, it's almost the weekend, the sun is shining (somewhere around the world, just not here...) so let's have a lighter, cheerful post today, shall we? I came across these on the the vastness of the web, and it made me laugh (or at least smile). So, here's hoping you'll smile too! :)

I feel a bit guilty posting this one... but still funny ;)


Quim Naifas said...

hahah the last 2 are the best!

Antonio said...

Yeah, a backwards 'b'?? lol! and the last one, i laughed, but i also turned red when i saw it... :D

Bornsleepy said...

the backward d is awesome!

now can some1 explain to me this last one?!? My blondie gene must be striking hard, i failed to understand what the hell those three stooges are doing

Antonio said...

@bornsleepy: blonde moment indeed... 4 letters: YMCA.. add music... get it??

Quim Naifas said...


@bornsleepy: oh amor, és mesmo loirinho! se lavasses o cabelo com champô de camomila parecias um anjinho! :) luv U *

Bornsleepy said...

Totally blonded out!, just managed to understande the C....

sara said...

@bornsleepy:: deixa lá, também tive o meu momento de "loureza" com a última!lol

Bornsleepy said...

blondes of the world: UNITE!!