So yesterday I was sick, so spent all day at home, with the heating on and with a nice cup of tea always by my side. But even with all this free time, I only watched one episode of Heroes, so still 2 more until the end of season 1. I realise I must be one of very few people on the face of the earth that is so behind on Heroes, but even so I'll only post my impressions below, after an impossible-to-miss spoilers alert.
But first let me go off-topic for a second and introduce you to this website, called "Reviews by Billie Doux" (you can also find the link on the right side of this blog). As you could probably guess, it's a website with reviews by a girl called Billie Doux :) I came across this website around 2005 while looking for reviews for some ALIAS episodes. I suppose I wanted to make sure that I wasn't crazy in thinking that ALIAS had some of the best TV moments I'd ever seen. Turns out I wasn't crazy, there was someone else like me out there who shared the same enthusiasm!
Anyway, the website became a lot bigger with time, and she now reviews a lot more shows including Lost, Heroes, Veronica Mars, Six Feet Under, ALIAS (obviously), Dexter and Buffy.
Here's a link to the review of Heroes 1x21 - The Hard Part. She does a very cool thing of taking note on some best quotes of an episode and she is also great at identifying symbolism, which are particularly evident in Lost and Heroes. Want an example (for this episode of Heroes)?
"This week's Most Obvious Symbolism was the art piece that looked like a twisted red staircase in front of the Kirby building. Climbing a staircase of blood to ascend to something better. Except the stairs didn't go anywhere. They were also part of a double helix."
Clever stuff huh? Oh, and I'm not in any way affiliated with this website. It's just that I really like her reviews and her opinions. It's funny because now whenever watching an episode of any of these shows, I find myself thinking "Oh, I'm sure that Billie will notice that" and really looking forward to reading her review after the episode has ended. So I hope you enjoy it!
And I was going to post my impressions of Heroes 1x21, wasn't I? I won't now, as this is already a long post. It was a standard good episode of Heroes, solid stuff, although I was expecting a bit more now that there are only 2 more eps. until the end of season 1. Just one comment to add (SPOILERS ALERT!!):
How cool was the sequence of of Sylar and his mother? It was so dark and surreal, really good stuff! And am I the only one who thinks it's bit strange that Hiro just walks around in NY with a ninja sword on his back and no one says anything??
Ah cmoooonn:
The Highlander travelled everyhwere with his faithfull katana and no one complained!
Also in KillBill BlackMama travels by plane brandishing her brand new blade of vengeance and no one complains too
Bottomline:: its a fictional world, they don't go for real world laws, so, next time think twice before leaving to work carrying your fan made katana, k?
lol! thats true :D I suppose its not that easy go go through security with a sharp blade, but she managed... And people do fly and heal thelmseves on the show, so much for realism...
forgetting the spectacular powers and a somewhat blatant use of'em in public places, its my oppinion that they do try to weave them well into to our modern and defitenally no so spectacular real world.
The writers are just a bit flawed thats all. and still on strike!
hurry up and finish season 1 because i wanna comment on peter's naked body on season 2. ops, spoiler...
hurry up and finish season 1 because i wanna comment on peter's naked body on season 2. ops, spoiler...
@bornsleepy: Yeah, still on strike and guess what? no golden globes this year :(
@andre: lol, hold ur horses, matey! I'll get there... eventually!
heroes... bahhh... =)
@sara: o rapariga, quando e que vais sucumbir e comecar a ver? da uma oportunidade! ;)
hum, let me see... NEVER!!! LOL
Brincadeirinha (ou não)!
Only time will tell!!!
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