- Number 11: Regina George (Mean Girls)
- Number 10: Niki/Jessica (Heroes)
- Number 9: Irina Derevko (ALIAS)
- Number 8: The LOST girls - Kate and Ana-Lucia (LOST)
Let's proceed then...
Number 7: Sydney Prescott (Scream Trilogy)

Her special abilities include turning normal everyday objects into deadly weapons, running up and down the stairs and she also has excellent telephone manners! Relax Syd, you may have had it rough, but you've rightfully earned the number 7 spot on this countdown! You see, every cloud has a silver lining ;)
Number 6: X-Men villains - Phoenix, Deathstryke, Mystique (X-MEN Trilogy):

Favourite line: Jean Grey: [turning into Dark Phoenix] GET OUT OF MY HEAD! (Kaboom!!)
Favourite line: Deathstryke: What are you doing here? - (It's the only line of dialogue the poor woman has in the film....)
Favourite line: Nightcrawler: Excuse me? They say you can imitate anybody, even their voice. Then why not stay in disguise all the time? You know, look like everyone else.
Mystique: Because we shouldn't have to.
Number 5 - Sarah Connor (Terminator 1 and 2)

Favourite line: Sarah Connor: The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it, for the first time, with a sense of hope. Because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.
Number 4 - Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)

If I wasn't so behind on Veronica Mars (the show) and seen more of Veronica (and I don't mean her naked) maybe she would be higher up on this list. Oh and a small confession, whenever I go through a situation when I need to be more confident, like confronting someone or or an embarrassing moment, I say to myself "Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars"... Silly, but it helps!
On a side note, I already know that Kirsten Bell (Veronica ) is now on Heroes and that she has some kind of lightning power (thanks Gabi for the 'heads up'... Grrr), but that's all I know, so please no more spoilers!!
Favourite Line: Oh so many brilliant lines to choose from... Seriously, this show has some of the sharpest, wittiest writing ever, maybe second only to Buffy. So, I'm gonna make an exception and give Veronica the privilege of having 4 favourite quotes:
Logan: [standing in front of Veronica's car] Do you have any idea what your little joke cost me?
Veronica: Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be getting your bong back.
Logan: [smashes Veronica's headlights with a crowbar] Wrong answer. Would you care to guess again?
Veronica: Clearly your sense of humor...
[Veronica is trying to change a flat tire] Troy: Flat?
Veronica: Just as God made me.
Logan: There's a witness who said they saw my mom get in a white van.
Veronica: There's also a jungle tribe that worships Donald Trump's hair. It's a tabloid.
Veronica: If I ever die, do me a favor. Go on Oprah and tell the world that I loved kittens.
And that's a wrap for today. Who will be the top 3? Any surprises left? Will your favourites make the cut? This and much more tomorrow, only on this blog!
Please God, let Tyra Banks be in the top3!
Oh, and the Veronica Mars on Heroes is the best new character of Season 2. Too bad she has to die after a couple of episodes. Whoops :P
Tyra Banks on my top3? HOW DARE YOU?! :D
And about Veronica on heroes, if thats true (not sure if i believe you...) then I'll boycott heroes! Oh yes I will!
I only told you that she had a lightning power! and why putting Veronica Mars on your top 11? If it was Elle I would understand... :p
kiss kiss
@gabi: is Elle the name of her character in Heroes? lol, another piece of information... I dont even need to watch the show, you guys tell me everything! awww, thanks a lot...not!
And a comment in english? Shame on you! :D
Off topic ::
is it just me or this part 2 of 2 of top10 Kick Ass Grrlz is going to end only in part 3?
On topic ::
Nikki trailing in behind in the #10 spot?!?!
We already know whos nailing the spotlight, but im curious to see who goes second and third on this list.
Is Rogue gonna make it, the comic version not the superfluous teen movie version of her
@bornsleepy: I did say 'part2 of 2 maybe 3' on the title :)
And Niki? I've been told she returns back to form at the end of season1, but unfortunately for her, I havent gotten there yet. And Rogue? Sorry, only movies and tv, no comics.
And about the top spot, you think you know, but you have no idea... (or maybe you do, lol!)
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