My thoughts? It's cool, dark, sexy and sophisticated. Two thumbs up! Althoughh from a certain point of view, looking a her legs, looks like Mariah really needs a wee! :D
Now the bad news.... Apparently the album is supposed to be called, get ready for it...
That Chick
How do you go from The Emancipation of Mimi to That Chick?? The emancipation of that chick??
Don't know... Really not too sure about the title...I don't know, for me, its like 12 years old would use that word in the playground, you know...cool little kids in high school....
That Chick??? lololol
Oh My Good!!
Piroso :S
ups! good=god!!!!
Lol, i agree, but still ony tentatively titled That Chick. theres still hope!
Poor britney?? lol sorry Tó, but I enjoyed britney's last song... and I cannot say the same about Mimi... the only thing she has is very good actors in her videos! :) Sorry!
@gabi: if it wasnt't for her, the prison break guy would still be doing commercials or something like that, ok?
And i meant poor britney, as in crazy, big mess, bad mother britney. and i also liked Gimme more... oops!
Ahahah :p u liked Gimme more! :) ok ok I got it! *
Espera aí, tu estás a dizer que ele só entrou no Prison Break por ter feito figura de parvo naquele video? lololol
PS - O que tu queres sei eu!
my sister's comment when I told her the name of Mariah's new album:
"ela não é um pco velha para chick?"
"isn't she a little old for chick?"
she's a slighty older chick! :D
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