Already tried my usually very effective sleeping pill+nimed combo, but it didn't do much... Any other suggestions? At least it'll give some time to catch up on a couple of TV shows, I'm always waaaay behind everyone else and getting spoilers from everyone! I think I'm in the mood for some Veronica Mars and maybe finally watch the end of season 1 of Heroes... oh well, here's to a quick recovery!
Hello, guy who enjoys watching other people fall!!!! lol
As a person who know's you for a looooonnnng time, must say that i´m pleasantly surprised whith your
writing!!! I really am!
Just hope that you'll continue with this blog and that you'll write a lot!!!
Get better soon!
Ps - Agora em português de Portugal: tá muito fixe, continua!!!
Ps2 - Sorry qualquer erro no inglês... Tentei!=)
Lol, perfect english! mas nao precisa ser em ingles, pode ser no nosso portugues! :D
Quick recovery :: spies don't fall prone to petty diseases
And go for heroes last episode!
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