9 January 2008

Fall(s) from grace

Those who known me over the years know that there's something that can always put a smile on my face, no matter what, and that is seeing someone fall. I'm not talking about dangerous falls, with blood and gory stuff, those I take seriously (and I'd probably faint seeing all the blood). No, I'm talking about those falls where the thing that can get really hurt is your ego. I've been known to flee from a "crime scene", laughing uncontrollably, while poor person lies on the floor, helpless. Oops! I just cant help it...

Anyway, came across this video the other day and it's one the best I've seen, a certified LOL, I assure you! I guess they don't call it 'Fall fashion' for nothing huh? Even the news readers are funny, and I love the way that the poor girl tries to do a little pose after the 'incident'(s). You go girl!

For a very funny remixed version of this video, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor girl, but very funny!!!!