I especially liked how everyone kinda worked together, as everyone played their parts in the events that lead to Sylar's apparent defeat. If DL (I really thought he was dead!) hadn't got Niki of Linderman's suite, she wouldn't have saved Micah, which then wouldn't have made the elevator work, etc. And then in the confrontation with Sylar it almost looked they were a team, a bit like the X-Men or the Avengers only without the spandex suits. Still, I think I was expecting a bit more out this final battle, but maybe that's because I'm more used to seeing the epic battles in X-Men, but still it was cool. And by the way, where did Sylar get the Iceman power?
I also liked how Nathan finally came to the rescue of Peter, but can Peter only use one power at once? If not, than he could have just flown by himself and spared poor Nathan. I already know that Peter is alive in season 2, but don't know about Nathan, although I suppose he could have just left Peter at a safe distance and then flown away just before the explosion.
One of the best moments involved my favourite character Niki/Jessica. I loved when Jessica let Niki take control when Linderman offered her the money. And Niki attacking Sylar with that lamppost? Just awesome!! I just wish they she had a bigger part and definitely a bit more action. It would be nice if Molly (Heroes' Cerebro) was somehow adopted by DL and Niki. How cute was that shot of the 4 together, the perfect X-family :)
Will Sylar be back? Did Nathan survive? How will Hiro manage in ancient Japan? When will Sark and Veronica Mars make their appearance? I guess most of you already know the answers to these questions, but I'm really looking forward to finding out (on my own, thanks!)
Favourite line: Jessica: (to Matt) "Didn't I throw you out a window?" Awesome! ;)
"Didnt I throwed you off a window?" - with a sneer in her face Niki rules so much.
Keep the momentum going and start watching Volume II of Heroes: only 11 episodes with Sark - eventually ill get to know him in Alias right?, and Mars tagging along to the X-C
that was jessica, not Niki ;) And yes, you'll get to know Sark, if you make to eps 8 or 9... fingers crossed!
ill make it, trust me, ill see ep2 somewhere along this weeks timeline;) yesterdays was House's day on Fox so no chance..who knows..maybe today..since tomorrow Moonlight debuts on Fox...seems like a crappy vampire show..we'll see..
yeah, excuses, excuses... :)
well i did said ill watch it this week :P
i guess one ep a week its better than none per year .P
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