I must admit, I'm a sucker for countdown lists and Top 10s (and 5s, and 20s and 100s). It might be the Top 100 for games, songs, films or toilet paper, I'm love'em all. And obviously I'll look for my favourites on that list and then be happy or mad at the position they earned. It might just be curiosity or might also be some kind of search for validation, that someone else agrees with me. Anyway, I decided to do my own Top 11. Why 11? Don't know, but why is it always 10 anyway?
My first (and maybe only...) Top 11 will be dedicated to strong and powerful women that have graced theater and TV screens over the last few years. You know the type: They're resourceful, witty if not always graceful under pressure, and refuse to back down. And they could probably kill you before you could say "Nice shoes". These are my Top 11 Kick-Ass Girls...Tough chicks but not quite tough enough to make it to the Top 11: Eowyn (The Lord of the Rings); Alice (Resident Evil); The girls from Charlie's Angels; The Bride (Kill Bill); Trinity (Matrix Trilogy); Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess)
Number 11: Regina George (Mean Girls)
Ok, so this is the joker of this Top 11. Regina is the Queen Bee and the leader of the Plastics. She is both feared and desperately admired by the other female students, who gossip about her supposedly fabulous life and are pleased to be physically assaulted by her. She also has a tendency to compliment others and then insult them behind their backs. That's why she is my number 11. Oh, and she's always in desperate need to lose 3 lbs.Favourite line: Regina: But you're, like, really pretty. Cady: Thank you. Regina: So you agree? Cady: What? Regina: You think you're really pretty? Cady: Oh... I don't know.Number 10: Niki/Jessica (Heroes)
A tough choice this one. Niki is/was an Internet stripper who exhibits superhuman strength and has multiple personalities, namely her sister's Jessica. I can't really put my finger on what makes me like her, but 99% of the time she's my favourite character in Heroes. I do think she's been getting a bit (too) soft lately, so Niki get your act together and start ripping people in half like in the good old days!Favourite line: [as Jessica] Niki's not here right now.Number 9: Irina Derevko (ALIAS)
This woman is the personification of class, style and deceit. You can never tell if she's being honest or simply just manipulating you so that you do exactly what she wants you to do. I won't go into many details/spoilers for some of you readers/friends who for inexplicable reasons still haven't watched Alias (bornsleepy, andre and nokey: I'm looking at you!! ) but even in her darkest moments it's impossible not to admire her. Favourite line: And at that moment I was sure of one thing: I couldn't be an agent and a mother. I'd either fail at one or both. And I chose to fail at being a mother. Number 8: The LOST girls - Kate and Ana-Lucia
I'm still only halfway through season 3 on Lost (yes, I'm also extremely behind on Lost), but I still don't know if I totally trust Kate... But kick ass? Yes! This girl has outsmarted the U.S. marshals, been an international fugitive and gets to snuggle with Jack and Sawyer. She does have the annoying habit of doing something stupid and getting kidnapped though... So Kate, you're stuck at number 8! And Ana Lucia? Well she's played by Michelle Rodriguez who just looks completely bad ass! She always has this look on her face as she's about to snap and kick you in the face at any moment! She could be on The Little House on the Prairie and still look hard as nails! Permanently pissed off! But our dear Michelle can't resist the booze.... Nothing wrong with that, except when you drink and drive AND get caught! That's bad Michelle, and then the Mr. Writers have to let you go off the show and kill your character...
Favourite line: Kate: No girl's just like me. Favourite line: Jason - Shooter: Do I know you? Ana-Lucia: [coldly] I was pregnant. [shoots Jason several times with her service weapon]
That's all for today! Will number 7 be Dorothy from the Golden Girls? Maybe Jessica Fletcher from Murder, She Wrote? Just kidding! (or am I??) You'll have to check back tomorrow for Volume 2 of my Top 11 Kick-Ass Girls. As usual feel free to agree, disagree, insult me, etc using the comments. Can be in any language (although I can only reply to those in English/Portuguese...)
I love you. But Ana Lucia deserves a better spot in your chart. I am so going to copy your top 11!
Is Dark Willow in it?
A Helena, de Por amor... acho que assentava que nem uma luva na tua lista!!! Será que aparece no top11?? LOLOLOL!!!
@andre: I aim to please ;) about Dark Willow, I guess we'll find out soon enough, eheh!
@sara: LOL! A Helena tinha q ser na lista das sofridas! :D Mas olha q a Branca ate q dava... lol!
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