I don’t know about how you all are doing, but just in case here's something to make you smile. I don't usually like farting jokes, but this one is really funny. Oh, and it's a fart joke so sound is required (duh!):
2 weeks later....
25 years later: no more little star, but big star! :D
I know that the proud parents love this song, it's called "Beatriz" and it's by Brazilian artist Chico Buarque. To be 100% honest, I think it's a bit boring... But here it is for them:
So, Beatriz, may this be the first of many, many other happy months! Maybe, who knows in a few years you'll read this, so here's a big kiss from the uncle who may be far away but will always be there when you need him (and also bring you nice gifts!):
Never forget who you are
Little star
Shining brighter than all the stars in the sky
Never forget how to dream
Never forget where you come from
From love
That was a bit lame, wasn't it? So, to lighten this up a bit here's a photo I find hilarious (and I know my sister will not be happy with me posting it!). This is when she was leaving the hospital to finally go home. It all went very well but the baby suit/jacket that my sister picked for the occasion was a bit too big for her:
I feel a bit guilty posting this one... but still funny ;)
He has recently finished shooting his scenes for next Batman film The Dark Knight, where he plays The Joker. Early reports seem to indicate that he gave another stunning (if scary) performance as Batman's nemesis. The film is currently set for release this summer.
I especially liked how everyone kinda worked together, as everyone played their parts in the events that lead to Sylar's apparent defeat. If DL (I really thought he was dead!) hadn't got Niki of Linderman's suite, she wouldn't have saved Micah, which then wouldn't have made the elevator work, etc. And then in the confrontation with Sylar it almost looked they were a team, a bit like the X-Men or the Avengers only without the spandex suits. Still, I think I was expecting a bit more out this final battle, but maybe that's because I'm more used to seeing the epic battles in X-Men, but still it was cool. And by the way, where did Sylar get the Iceman power?
I also liked how Nathan finally came to the rescue of Peter, but can Peter only use one power at once? If not, than he could have just flown by himself and spared poor Nathan. I already know that Peter is alive in season 2, but don't know about Nathan, although I suppose he could have just left Peter at a safe distance and then flown away just before the explosion.
One of the best moments involved my favourite character Niki/Jessica. I loved when Jessica let Niki take control when Linderman offered her the money. And Niki attacking Sylar with that lamppost? Just awesome!! I just wish they she had a bigger part and definitely a bit more action. It would be nice if Molly (Heroes' Cerebro) was somehow adopted by DL and Niki. How cute was that shot of the 4 together, the perfect X-family :)
Will Sylar be back? Did Nathan survive? How will Hiro manage in ancient Japan? When will Sark and Veronica Mars make their appearance? I guess most of you already know the answers to these questions, but I'm really looking forward to finding out (on my own, thanks!)
Favourite line: Jessica: (to Matt) "Didn't I throw you out a window?" Awesome! ;)
Anyway, you might wanna check it out too. I obviously disagree with a few of their choices (Sydney only number 6?!?), but still both countdowns ended up having the same #3 and #2, which is kinda cool. Oh and Niki fans be warned... she's nowhere to be seen....
My thoughts? It's cool, dark, sexy and sophisticated. Two thumbs up! Althoughh from a certain point of view, looking a her legs, looks like Mariah really needs a wee! :D
Now the bad news.... Apparently the album is supposed to be called, get ready for it...
That Chick
How do you go from The Emancipation of Mimi to That Chick?? The emancipation of that chick??
Don't know... Really not too sure about the title...I don't know, for me, its like 12 years old would use that word in the playground, you know...cool little kids in high school....
Another threesome on this list. I must say, any of these three on their own would probably be placed behind Veronica, but together they're a force to be reckoned with and end up at number 3.
Buffy Summers is the eternal teenager who has been through Hell (literally!). She is The Chosen One, the one girl in the world with the strength and skill to hunt all kinds of evil creatures and save the world (or at least Sunnydale) time and time again. But she doesn't do this alone, she has the precious help of the 'Scooby Gang'. Dies twice - one time her headstone reads "She saved the world. A lot". OK, so maybe she deserves number 3 even on her own.
One of Buffy's best friend is of course the shy and geeky Willow. Yeah, she becomes quite powerful as 'normal Willow' throughout the series, but it isn't until her girlfriend is murdered (she becomes a lesbian at some point, maybe because her ex-boyfriend was quite the animal) that she goes bananas and shows her true power. She becomes Dark Willow and then she's downright evil (which is always fun) and kicks everyone's ass.
Then there's Faith... Faith is probably my favourite of these 3. Maybe it's the leather outfits, or the good girl/bad girl vibe, but I think she's as cool as can be. She's a rogue Slayer, the Buffy-universe equivalent of going over to the Dark Side. Unfortunately for Faith, we all know what happens to those who fall into the Dark Side, don't we Anakin?
Favourite line: Buffy: We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Buffy, and you're history!
Favourite line: Dark Willow: Oh Buffy. You really need every inch of your ass kicked.
Favourite line:
Faith: Three squares, nice weight room, movie every third Sunday, would've been worse. Spike: What movie?
Faith: Last one was Glitter. I guess it couldn't have been worse.
(Me: As you all know Glitter is the 'award-winning' Mariah Carey movie.... Ouch!)
Number 2: Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (Alien Trilogy - lets forget about the 4th one, ok?)
Put on a smiley face Sydney, you made it to #1 :)
Favourite line: Jason - Shooter: Do I know you? Ana-Lucia: [coldly] I was pregnant. [shoots Jason several times with her service weapon]
That's all for today! Will number 7 be Dorothy from the Golden Girls? Maybe Jessica Fletcher from Murder, She Wrote? Just kidding! (or am I??) You'll have to check back tomorrow for Volume 2 of my Top 11 Kick-Ass Girls. As usual feel free to agree, disagree, insult me, etc using the comments. Can be in any language (although I can only reply to those in English/Portuguese...)
Well, from what I know the improvement really is noticeable, and worth the investment. So, don't worry Syd, your red hair will look great... tomorrow.
Oh, and for those of you thinking "Why doesn't he uses his laptop DVD reader?", it's broken and only reads CDs. And guess what? It's a SAMSUNG!