I come from a family where all the women from my mother's side are completely obsessed with cleaning (think Bree^2 - minus the funny side - and my mother was/is definitely the worst offender), which probably made me into something of a clean freak too. Even simple ordinary things like walking barefoot on a hotel room toilet and showers makes me very uncomfortable. Still, there's this rebellious side of me, gained from of years of oppression at home that makes completely untidy. This means that if you came to my flat you'd see lots of clothes, magazines, wires and other stuff lying everywhere, but on immaculately clean floors... So yesterday it was time for another exciting evening doing my housework. But something was different this time, I had a smile on my face and did all that almost dancing. The reason for that? Well, keep reading... (note: it's silly)
I did my vacuuming...

I even did my Wii exercise :)
So, what was the big secret? This song!!
This is one of the first official dance remixes to "Touch My Body" and it's so danceable, I love it!
If you're in need of a good song to do your cleaning, work out or just shake your booty, here it is, for your downloading pleasure, it's the Touch My Body Seamus Haji Club Mix!
Download here
Not exactly my style of music, but would probably be nice at a club (or when doing my cleaning, eheh)
"I come from a family where all the women from my mother's side are completely obsessed with cleaning " Excuse me, but that´s not correct LOL!! What about me? I´m "family", and i can be the MOST untidy person on earth, ok? So do not insult,pleeaasseeee...LOL
@miles: yeah, you should def try it when cleaning like me :)
@iris: Oops!! lol, but I meant the women before our generation, not you! I know you're untidy (but very clean) ;) I sure hope Bia is more like the mother and the uncle and not like her grandmother eheh
Para quem dizia que o último cd da Madonna era para carrinhos de choque... surpreendeste-me LOL Também eu tenho uma mãe dessas, mas acho que deve passar uma geração, porque tb eu não sou muito amiga das limpezas. :)
@ligia: Sera que passa uma geracao?? Sempre que fui ai a casa ta sempre td tao limpinho! ;) Sera o Alvaro?? loL!
Qt aos carrinhos de choque... Eu gosto destas musicas :) o q nao gostei na Madonna foi ser o CD todo assim. Com a Mariah sao remixes, tens estilos de musica para todas as ocasioes!! (todas mesmo.. eheh)
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