There's something about Wolverine that I just find very boring and a bit annoying... It's not his character per se, but how he always gets the spotlight, how he's always everyone's favourite. You could have called the previous X-movies "Wolverine and friends" that nobody would have complained. Well. some news emerged this week that made me really excited about this film: Gambit has arrived!
For those of you who don't know who he is, he's one of the coolest X-Men ever. Gambit (whose real name is Remy LeBeau) possesses the ability to manipulate kinetic energy. He is also skilled in card throwing (when they're charged with kinetic energy), hand-to-hand combat, and the use of a Bo (which is basically a big stick, think Donatello in TMNT). Personality-wise, Gambit reminds me a lot of Sawyer from LOST ( or maybe I should say Sawyer reminds me of Gambit...). They both share misterious past full of evil deeds, the witty remarks, the seductive way with women... And speaking of women, they both also seem to only show a more vulnerable side of themselves with their ladies (Rogue and Kate respectively). There were rumours about Gambit being in X3 and played by Josh Holloway, but unfortunately that didn't work... He would have been the perfect Gambit (sigh...):

But now Gambit is confirmed to the in Wolverine, and the chosen actor is Friday Night Lights actor Taylor Kitsch. I've never watched that show, so I have no idea who this guy is. I just hope he does Gambit justice.

I'm also curious on how Gambit's costume will look like. His costume was always one of my favourite in the comics, but I don't know if it will work in "real life". They'll probably go the same way as the X-movies and ditch the original costume for something a bit more realistic. I just hope they keep the red and black eyes, that has to be there.
Other notable announcements in terms of characters and casting? Well, the one I'm more excited about is Deadpool. Major-hottie Ryan Reynolds will be playing Deadpool, which in the comics always wears a mask. As cool as the mask is, I hope that they don't cover Ryan's face the whole time, eheh:

Also announced was that Liev "Cotton" Schreiber landed the part of Victor Creed, a.k.a. Sabretooth. Fingers crossed that the new Sabretooth will be an improvement over their last attempt in X-Men 1, it was a bit lame there...

To finish things off, there's also Dominic Monaghan playing Barnell, (also known as Beak), a mutant with bird-like physiology (in some versions of the comic) and with the power to manipulate energy and electricity, and Danny Huston, playing William Stryker. Stryker was the bad guy in X2, played by Brian Cox. To be honest these two leave quite indifferent, probably I don't really know a lot/care much about their characters...

The last announced character is John Wraith, a.k.a. Kestrel. To be honest I'd never heard of this one before, and according to wikipedia, "he was part of Team X along with Wolverine, Sabretooth, Maverick, Mastodon, and Silver Fox. Wraith was a powerful teleporter, capable of getting the team out of sticky situations after their job was finished." What's suprising about this one is the "actor" they chose to play it, none other than Will.i.am! Yes, he's the guy from the Black Eyed Peas, I never even knew he could act, let alone be a powerful mutant! Well, I guess if things get rough I suppose he can always try singing "My humps"...

And that's all we know for now. Silver Fox is also going to be a character in the movie, but still no word (besides rumours) on who's going to play her. What do you all think, excited about X-Men Origins? Will that guy be able to be Gambit? I'm fairly excited now with all these announcements. Will it be any good? Only time will tell...
not really bothered with this one, Iron man sounds much more exciting.
Iron Man is lookinh good, and has Robert Downey Jr, which is always a good thing on my book. But I was never much into Iron Man, except he for some reason he was in the X-men comics.
mmmm this movie could be either another Elektra or something way better.. i don't like the movie version of wolverine, maybe because he's such a "good guy", compared to the more feral and edgy comic book version.. i wish they had Omega Red in the movie, it'd have been a nice super-villain with CGI...
oh and josh holloway in a gambit costume is my ultimate sex fantasy!!!
i just wish that will.i.am won't have too many lines. i hate when they put the token black guy in a movie just to attract the black community.. i'm sure that some of his lines will be:
"Oh Man!!"
"That's crazy!"
@andre: I kinda liked Elektra, but then again maybe it was only because of Jennifer "Sydney" Garner...
And you could see glimpses of the "real" wolverine in the movies, especially in X2 when there's the attack at the school. He just goes wild!
and it seems like josh in Gambit's costume will remain just that, a fantasy... (sigh) "Dayum"! :D
yeah but the comic books' wolvie is a person with a troubled past, torn apart by his nature and by what they did to him during weapon X. he's not the typical(and very boring) reluctant hero as in the movies.. i don't know, i just wish they added some dark in him a bit more...
and i was thinking.. ryan reynolds is sooooooooo much better than any josh holloway / hugh jackman guy on earth.. i can't wait to see him half naked again, since he tends to get half naked in every movie he's in :) "that's off the hook!" (i forgot to add this one!)
agreed! i was just talking about this the other day with a friend. She was telling me that Ryan has a babyface, Sawyer/josh is a real man! So wrong, Ryan is waaay cuter ;) yeah, ltes hope that during an instense fight his costume gets shredded to pieces :)
btw, was reading Rogue's story on wikipedia wow! so much stuff has happened. She's lost her power so many times now... So much catching up to do, lol!
rogue is not gonna be in this movie its emma frost
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