19 June 2008

Text to (funny) Speech

The following should be filed under "very silly"! My friend Sara showed me this very cool website that creates cards, but the difference is that it uses text to speech. In other words, you type your text, choose the language and the character and then you hear your text told by that character.

Whats so special about this? It's HILARIOUS!! The best greeting cards ever! In a very silly kind of way.... We were just cracking up yesterday, typing silly things and then hearing it. Hours of (stupid) fun!

Watch this one (or click here for the actual card), using this text from my previous post about Torino:

" Well, when we got to the club the same body that I repeatedly asked to be touched starting failing on me and that's when the real "fun" began. To make a long story short, there was lots of puking, sweating, puking, unconsciousness and puking."

For obvious reasons, I used an Italian accent :)

And I like to call this one "Naughty Mary Poppins"!! ;) (Link to card!)

If you're as silly as we are and come up with a funny card, feel free to post a link on the comments! The website is called Acapela Greeting Cads, click here to visit it.


Anonymous said...


Antonio said...

lol, entao toma esta: