Right, Part 2, the AH period... You know those episodes on some TV shows that start with something strange and unexpected and then they show the "16 hours before" and only then you see what led to that situation? Well, that's exactly how I felt.
The "strange and unexpected" bit here was me waking up in an hospital in Torino, 7.30 am. I woke up, very confused and disoriented and the first thing I saw was the IV line on my arm. Then this very nice nurse saw that I was awake, and started talking to me (in Italian, but fortunately then in English) and I only remember thinking that the nurse was one of the girls I'd met the night before. I thought "what an amazing girl, how does she manage to go out and drink and then come work as a nurse?". Obviously, it wasn't the same girl... Then Superheroe friend came to pick me up and take me home. I only noticed how his clothes were different from what I remembered and then I realized I didn't actually remember much! The last image in my mind was when we were about to leave for this club at around 1.30, 6 hours before. The rest? A complete blank!
So, I woke up at around 2 pm, still couldn't remember a thing. I was feeling perfectly ok, had my "morning" yogurt, noticed a couple of bruises on my leg but nothing else. What happened between 1.30 and 7.30? I was about to find out....
6 hours earlier:
The last thing I can remember is when we were about to leave and walk to the club. It was a 20-min walk, and from what I was told I:
- took photos
- sang Touch My Body
- started chatting with some random Spanish girls
- sang Touch My Body
- sang Touch My Body (see a pattern here??)
Yep, these are the real locations (although that's not really me). SH actually took me to all these places, a real trip down memory-loss lane :)
Well, when we got to the club the same body that I repeatedly asked to be touched starting failing on me and that's when the real "fun" began. To make a long story short, there was lots of puking, sweating, puking, unconsciousness and puking (on me and on others...), not to mention a world of trouble and worries for the poor people who had to take care of me.
Around 4am, after an hour or so of lying on the club's men toilet, SH friend decided to take to the hospital. Carrying me was like carrying a dead body (or so I was told) and to make matters worse there were some exciting stairs to get to the main street level!

Next stop: the ER (but without George Clooney...). From there on I stayed there, slept for about an hour, getting my IV and that brings to the waking up in the hospital scene!
Suffice to say that the next couple of days were not the ideal holidays, but that's life! What really happened to me remains a bit of a mystery.
The amount of alcohol I had was by my own standards nowhere enough to cause such a strong reaction and the drinking bit of the night took place in controlled environment, not like there were loads of drinks. The consensus seems to be that I had digestion process stopped (my puke "revealed" this) and the vodka made it a lot worse and everything was a mess in my body and voila! A trip to the hospital and a horrible night for everyone! On hindsight, we were watching a Madonna special on MTV while we were having dinner, I think that was the cause for the digestion problems, thanks Madge!!

Maybe these guys could help....
P.S: If any of the people who helped that night happen to read this: Thank you!! (and sorry...)

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