What followed (in the dream that is) was me finding out these tragic events and being absolutely devastated. I even remember in the dream seeing the cover of a newspaper and the article describing her death and starting to cry.... I was with some friends at the time and what to we do next? We go to the shopping centre, naturally, to mourn her death! There we find lots of other people doing the same. After this it gets slightly fuzzier, but I do remember going to MacDonalds and I was crying, the waiter was crying, everyone was crying...
I woke up very upset and the dream was vivid that I couldn't actually be 100% sure it wasn't real! Still sleepy, I rushed to my laptop and went to mariahdaily.com and the website was down! In that split-second I assumed the worst, but then went to CNN and phew! nothing there! Mariah was is still alive!
After this stupid dream I couldn't help but wonder: why would I be so sad for someone who I don't really know? Mariah obviously has no idea I even exist (unless she remembers waving me at the concert in Madrid, but somehow I don't think she does), so why would her death affect me so much? I don't know the definite answer to this question, but maybe it's just because she's been playing a huge part in my life since 1995 (I was only 15!). Not one day goes by that I don't listen one of her songs, some have inspired me in challenging times, other helped when I was down, and others just make me happy and sing. Why her and not U2 or Beyonce or even the ultimate cliché Madonna? I don't really know. I just know that I want Mariah to be alive for many, many more years. So Mimi, please be careful when around umbrellas, 'k? :)
On a related note, I think I know why I had this dream at this particular time. Mariah is currently in Hawaii shooting the video for her 3rd single of E=MC2, I'll Be Loving U Long Time. When I read this, it immediately brought back memories of Aaliyah's terrible death when she also went to Hawai to shoot a video. In August 2001, just after finishing filming of the "Rock the Boat" video, Aaliyah and various members of her record company died on a plane crash. She was only 22.
Here's one of my all-time favourite songs (still on my everyday playlist) Try Again:
Here's one of my all-time favourite songs (still on my everyday playlist) Try Again:
1 comment:
Allyah was the best!
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