It was inevitable... I did say so on this post. As you may not know, in certain areas of England chaos returned today due to the heavy snow. Here in Basingstoke it snowed all night and then rained during the morning. Around lunchtime it started snowing. A lot. It lasted for about 4 hours, to the point that we were told (I was in the office) to go home as things were really bad and roads either closed or very dangerous. As we were about to leave, the lady from our office building told us that it was almost impossible to get the cars out of the car park and even if we did, the it was complete chaos on the roads. We finally realized that walking home was the best option... So two work colleagues and I decided to just go for it and face the snow! Bear in mind I didn't even have gloves... and we had a 1 hour walk (at least) ahead of us. As we leave the office and come outside, this was the scenario....

Mine is the red one (in my dreams....)
We decide to take a shortcut through the woods. Of course as you can see I was always a bit behind them, just trying my best not to fall.

Then we reach the main road, and it was indeed chaos: cars everywhere, the roads were covered in ice, people outside their cars, etc... But we continued, happily along. It was all a bit exciting to be honest and we were laughing, and they were laughing, mostly at me and my lack of balance. Basingstoke is not the what I'd call a very nice city, especially for pedestrians. We then reach a place where there was no sidewalks, or footpaths, nothing.

For some reason, unknown to men, instead of focusing on not falling, I continue to take photos to document the "adventure". As I take another photo, while still walking, I slip, lose my balance and fell flat on the floor! The image photo below is from that priceless moment, a true Kodak moment, capture forever:

Going down.......
I fell flat of my back, and because was full of grocery shopping it did hurt (quite) a bit... and my leg was also complaining. Obviously my ego was even more hurt, as everyone in their cars or walking the people walking behind me were laughing.... I got up and I was a mess, with snow and slush and salt all over my clothes. I knew it, it's becoming a tradition: it snows and I have to fall at least once! I'll surely be sore tomorrow, so this weekend I've already decided, I'll be hibernating!
hihihi, deve ter tido muito piada...
AHAHAH! Uma piada louca... Cai de cu de tanto me rir! ;)
lol,LOL, eu sei que nao tem graça, mas ..lol - ja passaram alguns dias, ja te deves conseguir rir disso..nao?
aquela foto desfocada ta 5 estrelas!!
e nos aqui no porto a julgar que tamos com mau tempo!
ainda neva por ai?
haha! simn ja consigo rir (sem dores, lol). So a queda em si ate teria piada (fora a humilhacao e o ter ficado todo c*gado), o problema foi mesmo as latas de cola na sacola e mais umas coisas. Isso ficou entre as minhas pobres costas e o chao... ouch!
pra a proxima pensas duas vezes antes de te aventurar no meio da neve com compras!
mas isso tava mm pessimo, olhando pra confusao de carros na estrada, neve por todo lado...txiiii
ja passou, e ficaste com uma bela foto pra historia ^^
!I survived Basingstoke snow fall in February '09!
Mas eu tinha q levar comida (neste caso bebida) para casa!!
but yeah, I'm a survivor!! :D
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