10 February 2009

New Wallpaper

Just a quick post today, I've been really busy at work so really tired now. Anyway, after years of having a (very nice) photo of my cat Mao - and the obligatory Mariah Carey Xmas wallpaper during the festive season - I decided it was time for a change! Many were the options, but this was The Chosen One: It's a Sark wallpaper! I'm loving it :)

Anyway, while I was searching for my wallpaper found one (well, actually two...) which is perfect for my friend Sara: here it is, enjoy (but remember, it's only a desktop wallpaper, ok?)!


sara said...

OMG, they are GORGEOUS...
But I could only open the 2nd one, the 1st its empty :(
Shame on you, António...
But my dreams tonight will be good!!! :P

Antonio said...

Gorgeous!! (they are...) Anyway, try the 1rst link now, you should be able to see it :)

Bornsleepy said...

what's the deal with Vaugh - I can still recall his name from ALIAS, woohoo! and Stark?

Wouldn't both of you be better with a poster of Jennifer? >_>

Antonio said...

Lol! Stark? this isn't Iron Man we're talking about! It's SARK! but you'd know that if you had kept on watching this amazing show! But I agree, where's Sydney? She actually was my wallpaper before Mao :) Any of the first 4 here should be to your liking, eheh! http://www.wallpapers.lv/TV_Series/Alias/