I'm back! Actually, I've been back for a couple of days already, lack of time prevented me from posting here (blame Mario Kart Wii and the stupid cheating AI - I hate blue shells!!). Here's a quick recap of my holidays in Porto:
The baby:
I arrived on the 28th of June, and my sister was planning a half-a-birthday party for my niece, which was meant to be a surprise for me. Well, in a fortunate turn of events, I accidently booked an earlier flight (6.30 am!!) so I arrived much earlier than expected and so the surprise was on her! The party was lovely and fun, and even though little Bia had a bit of a fever, she was as nice as ever! Here's how she usually looks, happy and smiling:

So happy in her Bumbo™
Fortunately she got better really quickly and I managed to spend a lot of time with them both (mother and daughter). It's amazing how the difference 3 months make in a baby's life. She was so much more aware and playful and already showing signs of a strong personality. See you again in 2,5 months! :)The wedding:
And what a woderful wedding it was, such a happy day for the lovely couple. Everything was just great - the weather, lots of food, lots of drinking (although not for me as I was driving...) and lots of people! Besides my closest friends, also got a chance to see some old friends - some that I hadn't seen in quite a few years - and it's funny how when we're back together everything still feels the same as before. The jokes are still the same, the making fun of me (in a positive way) is still the same and the gossiping still the same too! And how much fun was commenting on some of the awful outifts on display there...
Anyway, the newlyweds are now on their honeymoon, enjoying themselves (in many ways, I would say) but once again to congratulations to them and all the best!

While showing the photo above around the office, one of the girls asked me if the bride (who looked absolutely amazing btw) had a bird stuck on her dress... I was like "huh??" but then noticed it too... Can you see that "thing" below her waist??

I dont' think it's part of her dress, and if it was, who's holding that? You can clearly see where her arms are, not holding anything... Any ideas? Could it be the Spiritual Dove of Love? :)
The Fitness:
Quite a few people asked me if I'd been going to the gym or told that I looked a bit more muscular. I guess that, in a nice way, this validates what I wrote about my experience with Wii Fit :) So, here's to another 50 days! My sister did a few exercises on it and she had sore legs for the next couple of days! It's safe to assume it works then.
Just another quick tidbit: I did drive along the beach blasting "I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time". As I told you before, to me this song has such as fresh, 'summery' feel, and it felt really good driving along the seaside, gorgeous weather, not a care in the world - just driving. And during that same week, Mariah released to video for it, and guess what? It has a summer/beach theme :) I knew it! Here it is for your viewing pleasure ( I guess the amount of pleasure may vary... if you're a straight man enjoy it, eheh!)
It does resemble a bird, or maybe part of the vail? does look a bit odd... and congratulations, your niece is adorable!
Lol, maybe it's only my copy of this photo. And thanks, my niece really is adorable :)
and There you are again. Time just fly by us, eh?
Bia is looking great in that photo!!
as for the photo: we all looked really well on that one :D
that odd effect, which i hadn't noticed in our copy, i assume to be bird. Remember on how the photographer take that shot? A series of quick photos sweeping from right to left. The camera / software probally merged them all to that form that beautifull photo and we in the process we got a white ODD dove merged to that beautifull white wedding dress.
A more detailed explanation would incur me on trolling around Image and Pattern recognition :P
Great reception, and next time i can be the designated driver :P , and you can pork down all the tequila you want ;)
@bornsleepy: tequilla, yay! Yeah, maybe next time :P
Yeah, I though of that too (the photo), but the sky and grass look so perfectly "stiched" together. I don't know... Maybe Scully and Mulder can help :)
its a matter of high frequencies and low frequencies if you wanna go that road :p
All the background can be described as almost static in the quick sweep of photos from right to left: the clouds didn't changed much in position, we smiled all the time, didn't move at all, etc. You can described that as a low frequency because we didn't move.
now the Darn dove, apparently flew by us, during the sweep. it must have appeared on one or two photos from the 5 or 6 he took to mesh it up. If you're an algortihm and you have a white blur on some of your photos you have to calculate from where it belongs during the mesh up. SInce the bride was sporting the biggest white in that area, it glued in there. it would be passable it it would appear on the sky!
ah well. good times!!
wow!! :O Who needs Mulder and Scully when we have such an expert on image and photography? :) I guess that's case closed then!
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