The short answer is 'yes'. When I first heard it I was a bit underwhelmed by it, was expecting something with a bit more edgy and fierce, as we knew it was co-produced (along with Mariah) by the guys who did Umbrella. So, at first I must admit I was not impressed. But then, the chorus was stuck in my head, and heard it a few more times, and then a few more, and then I loved it! I guess this song is a grower, not a shower, a song that doesn't immediately strikes you, but one that you wont mind listening on the radio many times.
The song is also quite sexy if you listen closely to the lyrics:
Touch my body
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play with me some more
Touch my body
Throw me on the bed
I just wanna make you feel
Like you never did
Touch my body
Let me wrap my thighs
All around your waist
Just a little taste
Touch my body
Know you love my curves
Come on and give me what I deserve
And touch my body
Wrestle me around? Throw me on the bed? I think Mariah likes it rough, haha. Who can blame her? :) And would say it would be a nice song for those "special moments" but in light of recent events, I think I'll pass on that one...
Click below to listen to the song:
Click below to listen to the song:
And this Touch My Umbrella, an awesome (unnoficial) mix of the of the song with Rihanna's Umbrella! It's a really good mash-up:
And a funny thing happened with this song. I was listening to it on my headphones at work last week. I obviously didn't know the lyrics (yet), but a loud and luscious "Touch my body" escaped from my vocal chords.... My boss, who sits just across my desk boss, turns to me and says with a very surprised face "You said that out loud" and I was like 'what?' and she said "you just said touch my body.... Are you listening to Madonna??". Oops indeed!
For the next 5 minutes she was looking at me like this:
Good to hav u back! Umbrela is one of my fav songs, that's a good remix.
LOL I wanna hear u sing to Mariah's song with your Portuguese accent! If you are a true and loyal fan, you are gonna post an audio track of your own "Touch My Body"! ;)
Oh and the other day I was in a full Mariah mood at the gym and I only listened to Mariah's stuff while doing cardio/weigths and you came to my mind!
@miles: thanks, its good to be back (erm... from my 3-day break)
@andre: lol! me singing "touch my bidy"!? I dont think thats gonna happen... (and the world heaves a collective sigh of relief..)
And you're not the only one who thinks of me when listening to mariah, lots of people have said the same. As long as Mariah lives I'll will always be remembered... ;)
And for the workout you should download (legally of course...) her album called "The remixes", even Oprah said she listened to it while working out. And you can't argue with oprah!!
Mariah, escrevo em português, assumo custe-me o que custar que sou fã!Reparei agora que voltaste e não só!Quanto ao touch my body, bem o chorus é viciante e cola na cabeça,acho a batida embalante e a voz dela está claríssima, no ínicio julguei o pior pensei que vinha mais daquele ressssssounding em câmara lenta que julgava ter morrido com o charmbracelet mas felizmente a performance anuncia um E=MC2?????fresco e solto.Mas duvido um bocadito do sucesso da música embora não ponha em causa que vá chegar longe na billboard...mariah depois do EOM...detestei o its like that para 1º single mas havia qualquer coisa lá que era impossivel de se ficar indiferente...mas adiante, aguardo ansioso pelo Album e pelo 2º single esse sim a aposta em grande pelas razões que já deves saber!
e pronto não nego que fiquei contente pela tua avaliação do single é que é triste avaliações solitárias e vibrações isoladas (ainda bem que tenho uma filha para lhe ensinar a diferença entre uma boa performer e o resto das cantoras!)
@anonymous: Bem, esperemos q estejas enganado e seja um grnade um sucesso na radio. Pelo menos nos EUA ja ta a ser :)
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