As you may recall I'm counting down those moments where I just can't hold the tears. There's was one occasion that I won't include here as I did not actually watch this scene (although I did cry). It was while my friend Sara who was telling me over the phone about this cartoon she'd watched. From what I remember there was this blind young girl who got caught in a fire (or some kind of disaster) and her dog went after her to save her. And he did save her, but he did not survive his many injuries and died... How tragic and noble.... Oh well, let's go back to the countdown before I start crying again shall we?
Let's recap what happened so far:
Number 11: Nils Holgersson
Number 10: King Kong
Number 9: Family Ties
Number 8: Alias
and so landing at number 7 we have...
Number 7 - Sex and the City: Samantha has cancer
I am now rewatching the final season of Sex and the City, where Samantha finds out she has cancer. On this one it's not just a particular moment, but several which still make me cry... The way she tells Carrie about her illness on the taxi or that moment later at Miranda's wedding which is particularly heartbreaking because she does it without ever looking like a victim. And I just watched the episode where she starts losing her hair, and then Smith (her boyfriend) also shaves his head so she wouldn't be alone in that... awww... sniff!
Number 6 - The Lion King: Please wake up....
I must have watched The Lion King at least 3 times at the cinema when it came out and to be honest I don't remember crying there. But after that, when watching the DVD (or at the time the VHS tape) I cried A LOT, especially when Simba's father dies and and poor Simba is there, thinking that his father might just be injured or passed out. So tragic... Number 5 - Love Actually: To me you are perfect
Love Actually was one of those movies where I never expected to cry. I don't usually get very emotional about romantic stuff... yeah, the pretty guy left the pretty girl, how sad, yada yada yada ... But this one was the exception. I cried when Laura Linney's character is in bed with the guy she always wanted but then had to go meet her stupid brother. I cried when Emma Thompson finds out her husband was having an affair... But the biggest 'offender'? When the cute guy goes to Keira Knightley's house and starts showing her all those cardboard signs, saying how he always loved her but he knows they can't be together... Oh just look at the picture there. I just wish he'd done that to me :(
Number 4 - Steel Magnolias: Sally Field crying (again...)
This one is without a doubt the gayest entry on this countdown :) It's the typical girlie drama movie. I mean it's all about a bunch of women united by true friendship and hard times. The film is very sad (Julia Roberts dies...) but it's a particular moment that always gets me. Sally Field (who plays Julia's mom) is acting all strong after learning about her daughter's death. Suddenly, at the funeral she completely breakdowns and starts crying and yelling and it's very moving... And Sally Field is one of those actresses who just has the gift of making cry. She now stars on Brothers and Sisters and more often than not whenever I watch an episode, I know I'll at least get teary eyes.
What other movies made me weep (even more than these)? Will I find a way to give Alias the number 1 spot again? Clue: no. Did Mariah make me cry with her moving performance in Glitter? Clue: Hell no! (although I do know someone who cried!). Check back tomorrow (or the way things are going, maybe in a couple of days) for the Top 3!
Lol! That poor white dog... I can still remember her sad...
And I'm very curious about the top 3!!!
lol, for some reason I imagined the dog brown! :D
Lion king is a very adult film. I saw it when I was around 20 already but still creid a lot
how could you keep a secret like that about Lion King... the VHS tape was mine (i lent it to you remember!?!?) but i never imagine that you cried...i start thinking that you are a pandora's box! Anyway, for me Lion King its the best animated film ever, and think of it bring me back my first night watching OSCARS including sweepstakes too...
I also cried on Lion King, but... in Love Actually?? :) Oh my god, this is Tó ;)
I guess I know waht movie you placed number one...
I agree with you concerning to Love Actually... that scene was one of the most romantic/sad/cute I´ve ever seen...
LOL. Eu sei quem chorou no Glitter. :D
PS: Para os que não sabem quem foi, QUE FIQUE CLARO QUE NAO FUI EU!!! :D
@breeder: eu sei q sabes quem foi ;)
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