Well, I only watched one episode in the end, and why was that? To be honest, I was bored... Seriously bored. On shows like Lost or Alias, which usually end a season on a huge cliffhanger, the first episode of a new season is usually one of the best episodes. This one? A big, fat "meh".
First off all, where are Niki and Micah, arguably two of the coolest characters on the show? They'd better be back or there will be blood!
And don't even get me started on those 2 latin brothers... Yes, the girl may have awesome powers (seems like she fries people's brains), but at least for now they seem to fall into those horribly cliched poor latin-american stereotype of the God-fearing loving brothers, facing all kinds of adversities and people with all sorts of bad intentions, but still manage to remain pure-hearted... I really hope one of them dies.
Another ridiculous scene was with Claire, now hiding out in a Southern California high school. She has to face off with a gang of cheerleaders and let's face it, Mean Girls this isn't... Also, literally the first person Claire meets at her new high school also has superpowers... Yeah right... And that little girl Molly, how annoying is she??
The only thing that got me excited was the new character Takezo Kensei, played by the delightful David Anders. Well, to be honest, it wasn't the character per se, but more David Anders. As some of you might know, he played the wonderfully sinister and sexy Julian Sark in ALIAS.
He was definitely one of the coolest characters in ALIAS and I used to have a really big crush on him... Time will tell if it was more his character than the actor, but still he was always so evil and stylishly dressed while doing his bad deeds.... And he had the sexiest accent! Let's have a moment here and revisit Sark:
Also on the bright side, there's still Veronica Mars to look forward to. Maybe I'm being to harsh on Heroes, but I sincerely expected a lot more. And if what I'm most excited about are Sark and Veronica, maybe
I should just watch ALIAS and Veronica Mars :) I hope you win me back soon, Heroes!"Help me, Mars-won Kenobe. You're my only hope."
Ei que mal, não gostaste?? A história ainda está muito verde... realmente eu vi logo 2 episódios seguidos! Por isso fiquei mais esclarecida, mas acho que se é assim só vais entrar na história quando vires o que está atras desses 4 meses que passaram... vá lá tem paciência, não deixes de ver no penúltimo episódio como fizeste no Prison Break ;)
lol! Nao, axo q nao vai ser como o prison break!! mas q estava a espera de mais, estava... vamos la a ver, daki a 1 mes vejo o 2o episodio!! ;)
since you're on Portuguese, why not honor our mother language?
Tenta ver um pouco mais da serie. Quanto mais tempo demorares a ver o próximo ep, mais tempo demoras a ver o que aconteceu a familia da Niki, Micah e DL.
A "Veronica Mars" está porreira na série, gostei do papel dela. Tenho k ver Veronica Mars a serio. Tens a(s) série(s) ?
Sark...não vou comentar!Vou esperar que vejas até ao último e só aí discuto contigo esta personagem.
@borns: Yep, I have Veronica :) Should I take it to you on my next visit?
Voltando ao portugues, eu espero estar enganado... e dps falamos do Sark enato (four months later...lol!)
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