"The following is written on a piece of paper you picked up:
"_ is 1,000 times _ _" To turn this strange message into a proper sentence, all you need to do is fill in the three "_ " with a single letter of the alphabet. But what could the letter be? You'll need to use the same letter for all three _s."
"_ is 1,000 times _ _" To turn this strange message into a proper sentence, all you need to do is fill in the three "_ " with a single letter of the alphabet. But what could the letter be? You'll need to use the same letter for all three _s."
What on earth can that mean? Well, think distances and abbreviations we use to represent said distances.... Km?? No, that's a "k" and an "m"... Figured it out already?
And the missing letter is....
Yes, "m is 1,000 times mm"!! "m" for meter and "mm" for millimeter :) Pretty obvious now, huh?
Sara was the one to get it right (I withheld her comment with the answer until now). Congratulations Sara, eternal glory is yours (or something like that). Enjoy the moment!
Im sooooooo smart!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
it's just a puzzle... (lol, kust kidding;) )
well...i dont feel so stupid right now, after seeing the answer!!
First i misunderstood the position of the spaces. I was actually trying to come up with two words that had _is and times__ ! i had failed to comprehend that there was a tiny space between blank and is and between times and blankblank.
On second place i tought it was more gramatical. i guess that once you start playing dr. "clayton" curious village you start to get oriented to this type of puzzles?
Serve us another puzzle when you find a nice one;)
Im still puzzled by the hint that you gave on the "Ken Lee" post. Was that a fuzzed M ?
@bornsleepy: I've been saying for ages thta you might need glasses!! :D how did you miss the "_ _"?!
Actually there is a couple of really clever puzzles I already solved (im so clever). Might post it during the weekend :)
About the clue, actually there were two: One was the "hmmm" i kept repeating. The other was very tough, I'll admit it. That image was bottles of "M", mariah's perfume, lol!
the day i start wearing glasses you'll l be all over me, i know :P!
about the hints. the "hmmmmmmmm" and the bottle of MC.Parfum were way beyond my grasp!
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