Turns out I had just in 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins around £20! Well, never one to back off on my decisions, I'm going to buy now £20 worth of scratch cards - at £1 each, so 20 chances of winning!
On the back of those cards it does say that there's a 1 in 4 chance of winning, so I'm going to buy 20 of the same kind, in a row. In terms of just probability, I could get 5 prizes, but of course this doesn't really mean anything. Time to be optimistic then and hope for the best. I'll post the exciting outcome of this here later today or tomorrow (unless I'm busy burning away all the money I won, eheh!).
i really hope that you wont go down the drain!
good luck on the scratching!
lol, you'll see in a few minutes the results! .......
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