18 January 2008

Life in slow motion

I forgot to set my alarm for this morning, so I woke up a bit later than usual, rushed through all that morning routine and tried to make it on time for my bus. As I got to the bus station, I could see my bus there, so close yet so far. And then the worst happened: I ran like mad for the bus only for it to depart 1 millisecond before I got there. I hate the look you get from the people who are inside the bus, as they look at you with maybe a bit of pity but you know that deep inside they're saying "HA HA!" like that character Nelson from the Simpsons. As I waited in the rain for my next bus, I couldn't help but wonder (Carrie Bradshaw moment here!): Wouldn't it be great if we had slow-motion in our lives?

Don't get me wrong, I think that whoever was responsible from the whole Creation process did a remarkable job. I mean, just look around you and appreciate what is there. But if I could send a suggestion to the Creator, yes, I'd ask him to add slow motion into our lives.
Slow motion really changes the perception you have of something. I'm not just talking about the obvious cool fights in slow motion we see in movies like Matrix or Charlie's Angels, but even some of the most mundane everyday actions would be so much more intense.

Just imagine you just got told off by your boss and you go outside (feeling really bad) for a cigarette. Wanna make even more dramatic? Add slow motion! Or imagine you're on a date, and you're really into this guy/girl and wanna look a bit more sexy... Add slow motion! Lick your spoon, wave your hair, do a sexy move... nice and slow... Oh, and sex in slow motion, now there's a thought!

I was thinking of maybe doing a video (using a scene from a movie) comparing slow motion vs. normal motion, but then decided have a look on Youtube. And it seems that somebody beat me to it! This is a very simple, silly video, but it illustrates my point perfectly (oh, and the Baywatch theme song... that's just a bonus!):

There, you see what i mean? Of course not everything would look better in slow motion... here are a few situations where slow motion would definitely not help:

- clipping your toenails
- wiping your bum
- liposuction
- sneezing and coughing
- throwing up (after a few too many drinks)
- eating soup
- picking your nose

How about you? Can you think of any other situations slow-motion would be great/horrible? Use the comments and let the world know.

And how is this even remotely related to missing a bus? Well, just imagine me running like mad to the bus and then doing that "Oh shit..." face, all in slow motion. It would look so dramatic and intense, that the people on the bus would feel compelled to get up from their seats and beg Mr. Driver to stop and let me in! In slow motion.


Anonymous said...

kissing in slow-motion would be nice, farting not so much.

Antonio said...

lol,farting is not nice in any motion!

sara said...

drops of rain fallin in slow motion...

Antonio said...

@sara: oh, how romantic...

ANDRE said...

punching someone in slow motion..